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Contact Information

Where should we send your donation receipt?

Your donation will be acknowledged in your tax receipt, on our website, and in printed material under the name provided below. If you'd like to be acknowledged under a different name, anonymously, or if you have any questions about supporting the Brandenburg please email us at

We respect your privacy and understand you may not want to receive fundraising mail. Please let us know if that is the case. Donations to the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra of $2 or more are tax-deductible through the Register of Cultural Organisations under Subdivision 30-BA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. Australian Brandenburg Orchestra is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee.

Billing Address

Please provide your billing address.

If you would like to give by Electronic Funds Transfer, please use the details below, and include your name in the reference:

Name: Brandenburg Ensemble Ltd
BSB: 332 027
Account Number: 551 748 904

Cheques payable to "Australian Brandenburg Orchestra" can be mailed to:
GPO Box 4416
Sydney NSW 2001